Our Products are:
Leak free

We're committed to creating quality, sustainable, comfortable products. When you choose Liberty you can be comfortable not only in your underwear but with your impact on the planet. Liberty underwear and swimwear do not contain plastic.

About Liberty Underwear's Founder
My name is Ann, a mother of 3 girls who is on a quest to embed sustainable living in all ways possible.
I love being outdoors hiking, running and being in physical activities. I also love dressing well and will often be sporting brightly coloured outfits. Having a period should not hinder my active lifestyle nor dictate my wardrobe. Liberty period pants are designed to suit active life, they are comfortable while at the same time stylish.
I care about future generations and want to do what I can to ensure the earth can sustain life past our current generation. Liberty period pants are guaranteed to serve for at least 10 years with good care.
Liberty Underwear's Story
Liberty Underwear is a family owned business started by Ann and her 3 daughters aged 10, 8 and 4 in 2021 in Jersey UK. The inquisitive girls were starting to learn all about adolescence and body changes. Ann volunteers with an organisation whose goal is to educate and empower women and was running a campaign to encourage positive talk on periods, to educate women and girls on sustainable period products.
This led to the discovery that conventional period products are very harmful to the environment, and the realization that there are sustainable period products available in the market.
After a lot of research in the community and online, it became clear that affordable reusable period products were not easily available in our particular market, it took weeks for a pack of pants to be shipped into Jersey and buying them online did not always guarantee the products were of the quality anticipated.
To address the gap, Liberty Underwear was started with a vision to provide high quality reusable period pants, and swimwear serving Jersey community and beyond online.
The name aims to bring positivity to a subject that has been shunned for long even though half the population experiences menstruation.

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